NUIT DE L’INFO 2021 – the winning team

A few weeks ago, CS GROUP participated in the 2021 session of the Nuit de l’Info!

The goal of this one-night competition was to get students to work in teams and participate in a national computer challenge.

At the same time, CS GROUP challenged the teams to win a prize worth €1500!

The challenge ” VEGA CS GROUP ” consisted in realizing a video of 5 minutes on the following topics

  • the presentation of the team and the organization set up,
  • the phase of conception of the architecture
  • the phase of coding and the various versions of the app,
  • the final version obtained,
  • the impressions of the team on the work and on this 2021 edition.

51 teams took up the “VEGA CS GROUP” challenge:

CS GROUP thanks all the students for their participation and congratulates the winning team: RATISCRUM, composed of 2nd year students in the Computer Science DUT – IUT Robert SCHUMAN.

To watch the video of the winning team, click here: