R&D projects

A strong commitment to the largest French and European R&D projects

The BALBUZARD project

The LaBS software is the R&D software developed within the framework of a research consortium bringing together CS GROUP, Renault, Airbus, the Ecole Centrale de Lyon and Aix Marseille University. CS GROUP industrializes and markets this software under the name of ProLB.

Website: http://www.prolb-cfd.com/

LinkedIn link: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/prolb/

The Balbuzard project, coordinated by Airbus and supported by the DGAC, is being carried out with the historical partners of LaBS/ProLB: CS GROUP, AIRBUS, SAFRAN, ONERA, Aix Marseille University, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, CERFACS. It aims to respond to the growing challenges of simulation in the aeronautical field in order to design new technologies for future zero-emission aircraft more quickly. The Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) of the LaBS/ProLB software is positioned as a breakthrough solution allowing to consider high-fidelity computations in several domains of CFD simulation (Computational Fluid Dynamics). For our industrial partners, the application perimeters are very diverse (unsteady forces, aero-acoustics, thermal phenomena on complex geometry, …). The different application targets are illustrated below:



Within this framework, Osprey aims at developing new capabilities for the LaBS/ProLB software around 3 technological axes:

  • Axis 1: Aerodynamic and aeroacoustic maturation
    The aim here is to strengthen the LBM method implemented in the LaBS/ProLB code on its current perimeter, namely the isothermal aerodynamic and aero-acoustic domains. The work carried out in this axis concerns for example the modeling of parietal turbulence.


  • Axis 2: Aerothermal extension and gas mixtures
    The objective of axis 2 is to extend the LBM approach for aerothermal simulations and gas mixtures by generalizing the state law of the modeled fluid. The coupling with solid thermics is also considered. Eventually, the models and algorithms should support fully compressible flows.


  • Axis 3: Evolution of numerical methods for moving solids
    The objective of this axis is to make the software architecture of the LaBS/ProLB code more flexible and more adapted to increasingly fine calculations on rotating geometries (propellers, fans). The models and algorithms must be accurate and robust especially when the moving objects are very close to each other, or even in quasi-contact.